The Seeds ecosystem

The Seeds Ecosystem consists of 6 partners from 5 European countries. The seeds have already been sown in France, Sweden, Spain and Greece, focusing on technopoles, artistic and cultural cities, reconverted industries, cultural cities and rural areas. As they grow, the various approaches are intended to show the societal benefits that science, culture and art can have by changing perception and behaviour of their inhabitants.


Capital cities

Reconverted industries


Rural Areas

Artistic and Cultural Cities

The Seeds Ecosystem consists of 6 partners from 5 European countries. The seeds have already been sown in France, Sweden, Spain and Greece. Focussing on Technopoles, Artistcs and cultural cities, Reconverted industries, Cultrual cities and Rural areas. As they grow, the various approaches are intended to show the social influence that art and culture can have on the perception and behaviour of their inhabitants.