Human & Machine

Image credit: Interactive Institute of Swedish ICT
Image credit: Interactive Institute of Swedish ICT

Experimental theatre where actor and robot share the stage equally

Challenge: How can humans and machines communicate in a future robotic society?

Human and Machine is a psycho-technological theater experiment at the crossroads between man and machine, where the aim is to explore the encounter between man and machine in a context where they are fully engaged on stage, acting, in real time. The project is an exploration of the interaction between man and machine on a theatrical, technological and narrative plane.

“A scene from Human & Machine.” Image credit: Interactive Institute of Swedish ICT
“A scene from Human & Machine.” Image credit: Interactive Institute of Swedish ICT

Using open source, technologies in visualization, neurofeedback and robot real-time control, the project intends to build a theatrical performance in which an actor through thoughts and actions controls a robot on stage, while interacting with it. The idea is to investigate and explore the human and machine relationship in a contemporary society through theatrical exploration.