Interactions Challenges

The seeds are creating positive change in a few domains. These domains are derived from complex societal challenges that directly and strongly impact citizens’ daily life and  that, as such, have been prioritised by EU policies and represent the main concerns and sources of knowledge developed in the partner’s ecosystems.

Four domains in focus

Digital age

Digital Age

Embracing the opportunities and challenges of the digital age is crucial for societal advancement. By focusing on the trust in the digital age, we can ensure equitable access to technology, promote digital literacy, and harness innovation for economic and social development. Addressing digital challenges also involves managing data privacy, cybersecurity, and ethical considerations in technology use.

Climate action & Environment

Climate action & Environment

The urgent need to combat climate change and protect the environment is paramount for the survival and well-being of current and future generations. By addressing this issue, we can promote sustainable practices, advance renewable energy / bio-based solutions, conserve biodiversity, and mitigate the impacts of environmental degradation on communities and ecosystems.

Democratic Change & Society

Democratic Change & Society

Promoting democratic values, participation, and governance is essential for fostering inclusive societies and upholding human rights. By addressing democratic change, we can advocate for transparent and accountable institutions, empower marginalized groups, combat corruption, and strengthen civil society engagement in decision-making processes.



Improving societal well-being and public health outcomes requires holistic approaches that address social determinants of health, healthcare access, and health disparities. By focusing on this issue, we can promote health equity, support mental health and well-being, address social inequalities, and enhance community resilience.