About the project

InteractionSeeds motivations are to humanize technology, take science out of the lab, encourage critical thinking, challenge technology, and explore new path to progress.

The challenges facing our society today are perhaps more diverse and greater than ever before. There are numerous measures, innovations and research to overcome and solve them. Science, industry and politics have been working hand in hand for a long time and have been thoroughly successful thanks to collaborative approaches.

But not only the factual development and implementation of concrete solutions is an elementary component in the behavioural change of the present and future, the social influence through cultural and artistic activities is also receiving more and more attention. And rightly so – the European research project InteracionSeeds focuses on how art and culture, accompanied by science, humanize technology, encourage critical thinking and sustainably drive a positive change. 6 institutions from 5 countries have sown the first seeds. Initially, 10 artistic and cultural initiatives are involved. Initiatives with which the InteractionSeeds Consortium would like to prove over the next 2 project years that art and culture have a significant share in overcoming the current social challenges.

In an era marked by environmental, industrial, sanitary, and social challenges, elevating the impact of research and innovation and raising citizen awareness becomes absolutely necessary to drive positive change.
Connecting Science with the Arts can foster understanding in a more multi-sensory and experiential way, and facilitate greater involvement and awareness of society to co-create solutions for a better and more sustainable future.
InteractionSeeds aims to bring knowledge valorisation to local ecosystems and citizens through art-based methods. It will develop a thorough and replicable methodology and train innovative companies in adopting this approach.
Project partners will build upon existing initiatives fostering knowledge valorisation, either initiated from local ecosystems or supported by wider actions, at the crossroads of science and technology, citizens and art.

To that end, InteractionSeeds will:


Develop a repository of artistic and cultural interactions that have demonstrated positive effects to cocreate solutions or communicate Science to citizens, and that are easily replicable.


Create a supportive environment for collaborations with arts and cultural organisations and spread good practices across Europe


Organise workshops for companies and research centres on how to valorise research results to society through art and culture.


Implement a series of twenty interactions in the project local ecosystems (creative urban spaces, participatory theatre, exhibitions, etc.)


What do we mean by knowledge valorisation?

Knowledge valorisation is a process where knowledge is effectively absorbed by specific target groups, users and society. Fostering the valorisation of knowledge coming from research can take place during all phases of the knowledge chain, from joint-research to engagement and dissemination.

How do we define artistic and cultural interactions (the seed)?

An artistic or cultural interaction is an activity that takes the form of an artwork such as artistic crafts, audiovisual, architecture and design, music , literature, arts performance (including theatre and dance), festivals, etc.